PayHat Technology

Advancing Recovery Services Next-Generation Technology

PayHat employs a digital-first mentality with extensive capabilities through our enterprise recovery platform. Our automation ensures accurate, safe and secure client files, real time data collection, reporting, digital integration, and easily accessible payment systems.

  • The PayHat platform is customized to accommodate recovery policies and services for each client.
  • While live PayHat representatives are always available, self-service options are an important aspect of our platform.
  • Negotiation, settlement, payment arrangements, payment receipts, and self-service help is aligned with homeowner communication behavior patterns.
  • Outreach is through social channels, SMS, email, and IoT methods such as Google Assistant and Alexa.

The PayHat Recovery platform has been designed for performance, efficiency, and compliance. Its extensive features and functional capabilities automate many recovery processes. This ensures information is immediately accessible and that we can fast-track recovery activity.

Improve Financial


Streamline communications
with automated outreach
across all digital channels and SMS.

AI Machine Learning

As we collect data and with
every interaction, our system
continually evolves to better
serve our client and
homeowner users.

Universal 24/7 Portal Access

PayHat clients and homeowners
have immediate access to
up-to-date information whether
reporting or making payments.

Automated Recovery Processes

Manage individual files, third
parties, payment plans and
collections all in the same with
built-in compliance features.

Working with PayHat means a healthier bottom-line

Association Board Members want to wake up every day confident that community assessments are being paid in a timely manner, and recovery services are proactively mitigating loss.

Community Association Managers want to spend their time focusing on improving homeowner satisfaction, and less time answering board member concerns as a result of cash flow pressures.

This is where PayHat becomes your most trusted partner with the people, process, and technology that ensures superior bottom-line performance.